You Won't Believe These Facts About Cats!

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Do you know why people love cats so much? It’s because they’re adorable, cuddly, and they make great pets. But did you know that some really interesting facts about cats will blow your mind? In this blog post, we’ll share the most fascinating facts about cats with you!

Facts About Cats

Did you know that cats are one of the most popular pets in the world? In fact, in the USA, there are more cats than dogs. Statistics show that there are over 50 million pet cats in the United States alone. That’s certainly a lot of cats!

cats are popular, cats fact
Photo by Raoul Droog on Unsplash

Fact 2: Cats have 9 lives

It is said that cats have nine lives, but this is just a joke. In truth, they only have one life. However, their sharp reflexes and strong survival instincts enable them to survive in situations where other animals may not. This can give the impression that they have multiple lives.

Fact 3: Cats can see in the dark

Have you seen the glowing eyes of cats in the dark? It’s because they have a reflective layer in their eyes called “tapetum lucidum” and it helps them to see in the dark. So if you are thinking of playing hide and seek with your cat in the dark, then don’t do it. It will find you easily.

Fact 4: Cats used to be worshipped

Cat has connections to almost all ancient cultures. Egypt is one of them. If you will go to Egypt, you will find many statues of cats. In ancient Egypt, people used to worship cats and used to be considered gods. They used to mummify cats after their death as they were the companions of the life and afterlife. Do cats think that they are still Gods?

cat as gods, cats fact
Photo by Noel Schläfli on Unsplash

Fact 5: Cats are distant cousins of lions and tigers

Did you know that cats are distant cousins of lions and tigers? They share genetic and behavioural similarities. So the next time you see a cat, think of it as a miniature lion or tiger.

Fact 6: Cats can’t taste sweet things

Did you know that cats are unable to taste sweet things? This is because they lack the necessary taste buds to do so. Therefore, if you were considering giving your cat a sweet treat, it’s best not to as they won’t enjoy it.

Fact 7: Cats are lazy by nature

Cats are lazy by nature and they sleep most of the time. They sleep for 16 hours a day. So if you have a cat, don’t worry if it is sleeping most of the time, it’s not sick, it’s just lazy.

Fact 8: Cat already travelled to space

On 18 October 1963, a cat named “Felicette” was sent to space by French scientists as part of the French space program. She was the first cat to travel to space. She recovered safely after the mission and her brain was studied to see the effects of space travel on the brain.

Fact 9: Cats can detect earthquakes

It’s a belief that some animals can sense natural disasters before they actually happen. Cats are one of them. They can detect earthquakes before it actually affects the area. So if you have a cat, then you should keep an eye on it. If it is behaving strangely, then it might be a sign of an earthquake.

Fact 10: Cat can see spirits

It’s a belief that cats can see spirits, in many cultures.

In many cultures, It’s a belief that cats can see spirits it’s because they have a very sharp vision and they can see things that we can’t see. So if you have a cat, then you should keep an eye on it. If it is behaving strangely, then it might be a sign of a spirit. It’s a belief so don’t take it seriously.

Have you ever heard of “Tom” from the cartoon “Tom and Jerry”? Although he is a fictional character, still he is the most popular cat in the world. Do you like Tom? If yes, then share your favourite episode of Tom and Jerry in the comment section below.

Fact 12: Cats are the Bad & Good sign in some cultures

In some cultures, cats are considered a bad omen.

In India, if a black cat crosses your path, it is considered as a bad omen. But in some other cultures, cats are considered a good sign.

In Japan, if a black cat crosses your path, it is considered as a good sign.

Isn’t it interesting?

Author’s Opinion

If you have a cat, then you will be able to relate to these facts also share your experience with us in the comment section below. If you don’t have a cat, then you should get one. Cats are really adorable and they make great pets.

Share your cat’s pictures on our social media accounts. We will share them on our website.

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